OFFICIAL LINKS. PLAYER RESOURCES.Welcome!The subreddit for players of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card game, video games, or fans of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime series or manga. Discuss tactics, episodes, decks, or whatever you'd like.Banner credits: (Desktop and Mobile)New, returning, or learning?
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Release (EU/NA)ProductOctober 24/25November 21/22December 5/6;January 16/17January 23/24January 30/31February 13/14March 5/6Premier Events ScheduleClick the below links for more information on upcoming premier events. DateCity, CountryEventNovember 2/3Lima, PeruNovember 3Tokyo, JapanNovember 23/24Pasadena, CANov. 1Milan, ItalySubmit Something!Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Online SimHow to playBrowserDownloadDownloadBrowserBrowserWatch Episodes Online. Episode availablity and sub/dub status may differ between websites.Other Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Sites.Friends of. &.